Geographic Information Systems (GIS) play a critical role for supporting the development of Cyber Physical Systems (CPS), since they allow geolocating users and the "things" or smart objects that constitute a CPS, providing a realistic vision in quasi real-time. This has increased the demand of developing web-based GIS applications to be deployed in the different devices and wearables of the CPS with short time-to-market. This demand and the fact that web-based GIS applications of CPS share many features and known variability justifies why they present the perfect setting to apply software product-lines engineering (SPLE). In this paper, we present the experience of developing a web-based GIS product line in the SME Enxenio, and the methodology applied to define the product line. In addition, we present the results obtained providing the GIS community with a reference SPL that is ready for its evolution and enrichment.
Type of Publication:
Conferences and Seminars
21st International Systems and Software Product Line Conference