Jennifer Pérez is an associate professor at the E.U. Informáica of the Technical University of Madrid (UPM), Spain, since 2007. She received her PhD degree in Computer Science from the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV) of Spain in 2006. She had a Research Professional Formation grant funded by the Spanish Government to perform her thesis. She is recipient of the best thesis Award in Computer Science and Telecommunications of the UPV 2006- 2007.
She is member of the Systems & Software Technology Group (SYST) of the Technical University of Madrid (UPM). Since 2001, she is participating in several European and national projects related to Software Engineering and Software Architectures. Her research interests are focused on software architectures, SOA, CBSD, AOSD, SPLs, MDD, Software Evolution and Agile methodologies.
Edificio La Arboleda. Campus Sur UPM.
Calle Alan Turing 3
28031 Madrid
Tfno: +34 9106 78762